Habillage graphique et typographie du documentaire SEULS.
Direction artistique des supers, génériques, affichage et design typographique pour ce documentaire qui suit trois jeunes craignant pour leur vie, Afshin, Alain et Patricia ayant fui leur pays, sans leurs parents, alors qu’ils n’étaient que des enfants.
Créé en collaboration avec Picbois productions
Illustrations : Mélanie Baillairgé
Typographie et Direction artistique : Ariane Dray

Film credits, posters and typeface for the documentary ALONE.
Art direction of opening and ending credits, supers, posters, and typography design for this documentary, which follows the story of three young people, Afshin, Alain and Patricia, who, fearing for their lives, were forced to flee their countries without their parents, even though they were only children. 
Created in collaboration with Picbois Productions
Illustrations: Mélanie Baillairgé
Typography and Artistic Direction: Ariane Dray​​​​​​​

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